About the Roster

Are You On It?

Sure, we’re an “organization without an organization,” but a membership roster can be mighty handy.  It helps nudge our net controllers’ memories so they can know who you are when you check in.

Net controllers on the 7.272 Ragchew aren’t required or expected to turn in logs of their check-ins.  What fun would that be?  Instead, when we know we’ve just found a new “Member for Life,” and when we actually remember to get around to doing it, someone will send word along to our tireless 7.272 Roster Team.

If you check in often enough, this mysterious osmotic process will eventually get your name and callsign onto the roster.  Or you can speed up the process — just add yourself by going to Roster in the menu bar of this site and clicking on “Add.”

If we have the wrong info for you on our roster, or if you know of a member who should be listed as a Silent Key, please tell us.  For that, you can use our Hollerin’ Form (there’s a link for it at the bottom of every page on this website) or just send an e-mail.

Once our Roster Team gets wind of a new addition or a correction, it shouldn’t take more than 72 hours for it to be incorporated into the online roster — subject, of course, to the various other things going on in the lives of the volunteers who tend to this task.  If you’ve submitted a change and you don’t see it after a week or two, you might want to prod us again.

Are you already on the roster?
It’s easy to find out. Look at it right now.



Roster Technicians


All e-mails with “Add me to the roster” in the subject line are automatically routed to the 7.272 Roster Intake Center in Forked River, New Jersey for analysis and, if appropriate, action.

ABOVE: Two volunteer roster  technicians attempt to determine whether the person has actually checked in to the net or is just messing with them.