As of January 19, 2022, I have accepted the position of net scheduler for the 72 Rag Chew, following the retirement of Ken, W3XAF. I want to thank all of you for being a big part of the Chew. Your time and efforts are sincerely appreciated by many, throughout North America and possibly even further.
There are some suggestions I have at this time. The first comes from our good friend, Loby, WA2AXZ. If you hear that there is not a net controller on the air, feel free to pick up the Chew and run with it yourself. Also, encourage non NCS operators to pick up the Chew if there Is not a net controller present. This can help us develop more NCS ops.
My second suggestion is, If you want, pick up the Chew at 12pm ET. It doesn’t have to stop at noon. Several years ago, the 72 Chew schedule ran to a 12pm and, I think, even a 1pm shift. This would also be another way to get more ops interested in becoming NCS ops.
The third suggestion is simply an integral part of ham radio. If you are operating as NCS, ask for relays. If you are listening along and hear a station that isn’t able to reach the NCS, provide a relay. Relaying is an inherent part of ham radio and is a lot of fun as well. It really feels good to help a station make contact when they are not able to get through by themselves.
If you have any questions, comments, suggestions, etc., please let me know.
Thank you and best wishes to all of you,
Walt, KB3LGO