Many of us old timers in the chew remember Mary Hobart being the keynote speaker at a few of our early Rag Chew Dayton gatherings, at the Amber Rose restaurant.
Right after our founding, and a few years into the early 2000’s, the crowd, almost 100 strong, from our group, Tom-KC8QGJ’s 1721 net and other friends would fill up the banquet hall to enjoy a great meal and enjoy the fantastic speakers that were lined up for the event.
Mary kicked off many a session for us regaling us with tales of amateur radio and her efforts in ARRL to bolster finances and start special clubs within the organization. Those of us who remember Mary know how energetic she was, and her smile, from ear to ear, showed all who attended, she was true to her mission.
She and I were on a first name basis as we arranged the schedule and annual Dayton dinners.
73 to my dear friend, you will be missed!Loby-WA2AXZ